Visit us and let our experts show you our latest innovations. Discover our TEM-SF Plus slitting and folding machine and don't miss the opportunity to see our capLAB+, an inline unit for checking the tear-off force of the temper evident tape (TE tape) on closures, in action at Netstal booth W223. Our experts will be happy to provide you with all the important details and show you the machines during a live demonstration.
For the first time in the USA: our TEM slitter and folding machine. The extremely versatile slitter/folder with a wide range of applications offers a flexible and cost-effective process flow, guarantees consistently high-precision slitting geometry and ensures easy modification with just one blade or format part set change. Get an overview of these and other advantages of the TEM machine now. Learn more about TEM-SF Plus
The capLAB+ is an inline unit for checking the tear-off force of the guarantee tape (TE tape) on caps. At the Netstal booth W223 the capLAB+ is integrated into an INTRAVIS CapWatcher System and will be presented together with a Netstal injection molding machine. Learn more about capLAB+
Live demonstrations of the TEM-SF Plus take place at any time on request. There are no fixed demo times.
The following partners will be on site: Netstal, Intravis, Berry Global
Tethered closures - because from July 3, 2024, tethered closures will be mandatory for PET bottles (< 3 liters) according to EU regulations. What does this mean for the US market? Well, the EU's position is seen as a model for other regions and nations, and there are proposals for similar legislation in areas outside of Europe.
So find out about your future options today. Learn about our tethered solutions now
With the following link and code, you can register for a free entry ticket for the NPE:
Code: 46126